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) As I am gradually convinced of the director's unshaking artistic integrity I am more willing to put in the effort to understand her rather complex thought. As her film is her principle expression of this thought I have ranked it quite highly - largely for what she attempts, with whatever success, than what she achieves. As Sartre pointed out, success is more in the journey than the achievement.

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A pioneer of the film genre known as "other cinema," Lutz Mommartz was born in in Erkelenz in 1934 and spent most of his life in Dusseldorf. He began making movies in 1967 and eventually became Professor of Film at the Kunstakademie Munster.

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The degree to which she achieves this in 'Romance' may be the subject of debate for a long time to come. I hope I get the chance to see and study some of her other films. I hope the film is not cut by the censors. As to whether it is a great movie, I am less sure (after a lot of discussion and thought I'm slightly more inclined to say it is than it isn't though!

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